When you get the behind wheel of a car, you probably put safety at the top of your priority list. Sadly, not everyone else does the same thing, and there is a chance you could be involved in a motor vehicle accident. The first thing you need to do is call 911 to ask for the authorities to come to the scene. You also need to be evaluated by a medical professional, as you may have suffered a serious injury that you may not have noticed. Then, do not forget to reach out to a lawyer, as reputable car accident lawyers are essential in claiming compensation. What are a few examples of injuries you may suffer in a car accident?
A Traumatic Brain Injury
First, you might be diagnosed with a traumatic brain injury in a motor vehicle collision. A traumatic brain injury takes place when you strike your head in a manner that leads to a temporary or permanent change in the way your brain processes information. For example, there is a chance that you might strike your head on the steering wheel. Or, you might strike your head on the dashboard. If you hit your head, you might suffer a brain bleed, a skull fracture, or a different type of injury. Traumatic brain injuries could lead to permanent complications, so you should always see a medical professional as quickly as possible.
A Back Injury
There is also a chance that you could suffer a back injury in a motor vehicle accident. There are different types of back injuries that you may suffer as well. For example, it is not unusual for someone to suffer a herniated disc. If you feel shooting pain traveling from your back down one of your legs, you may have ruptured one of the discs in your back. There is also a chance that you may have suffered a spinal cord injury. Some spinal cord injuries are medical emergencies, and you must reach out to a doctor who can evaluate you immediately following a motor vehicle collision. Some back injuries could lead to permanent complications.
A Femur Fracture
Finally, you may also be diagnosed with a femur fracture. The femur is one of the thickest bones in your body, and it requires a tremendous amount of force to break. Therefore, if you do suffer a femur fracture, there is a chance that the injury could be extremely serious. You need to reach out to a doctor who can evaluate your injury, as they may need to take some x-rays. There is also a chance that you might require emergency surgery. Femur fractures may also require a tremendous amount of physical therapy before you make a full recovery, and some can lead to lifelong complications. The sooner you reach out to a doctor, the better your prognosis will be. Always make sure you see a doctor following a car accident.
Talk To a Lawyer After Your Accident
Ultimately, there are plenty of injuries that you may sustain in a motor vehicle collision. Even if you feel all right immediately after the accident, remember that there is a lot of adrenaline going through your system. This adrenaline could mask serious injuries underneath the surface, and you do not want to develop unnecessary complications. Therefore, you should always see a doctor if you have been involved in a car accident. Then, don’t forget to contact a car accident lawyer who can take a look at your case and see if you are deserving of financial compensation. This is not a situation that you have to navigate by yourself.