Car Accidents – Distracted Driving in Philadelphia

Pennsylvania is not only one of the greatest cities in the United States, but it also has some of the best roads in the United States. That’s why it’s such a great place to ride a bike or drive a car and watch the world go by. In a car especially, there are more distractions than ever before, and while we bikers know the importance of looking and thinking ahead, and keeping our eyes on the road at all times, we can still drift into autopilot when we head out on four wheels instead of two. Distracted driving in Philadelphia and beyond can lead to car accidents, which can be particularly devastating for motorcyclists, so here are tips on how to avoid them and what to do if you’ve been hurt or injured in one.

1. Say No to the Phone

The greatest distraction in modern life is the cellphone. Do you find yourself using it to check your social media when at the dinner table, before going to bed, or in the movie theater? You wouldn’t be alone, but the consequences can be much more serious when people are distracted by their phones when driving. It’s estimated that talking on the phone or texting while driving leads to over one and a half million car crashes a year, and that number is rising. Hands-free kits can help – you should never hold your phone while driving after all – but it’s much safer to simply switch off your phone and put it away until you reach your destination.

2. Know Your Route

Another major driving distraction can come from not knowing your route before you set out. Sat navs and mobile apps can be great ways to help us find our way to unfamiliar destinations, but they can also be major distractions. You should always be looking at the road and what is happening, or potentially happening, ahead of you, but it’s all too easy to spend too long looking down at a map on a screen. It only takes a second for a potentially life-changing accident to happen, so it’s always preferable to know your route in advance. If you find that you’ve gone wrong, don’t switch lanes at the last moment but continue until you can find a safe place to pull over and recalibrate your journey.

3. What to Do If You’ve Been Involved in a Car Accident

Concentrating on the road and avoiding distractions from a phone or sat nav can make you a much better driver, but unfortunately all too many accidents are caused by distracted drivers. Bikers and pedestrians are particularly vulnerable, so what should you do if you, or a loved one, have been hurt or injured by a distracted driver? After receiving appropriate medical treatment, your next step should be to contact the expert Philadelphia car accident lawyer Zavodnick, Zavodnick & Lasky. They’ll be able to help you get the compensation you need and deserve, and will make the claims process much simpler and less stressful.

It’s great to be a careful biker and driver, free of distractions, but it’s not so great if we find ourselves in an accident due to the actions of others. Car accident lawyers will fight for you, investigating the accident and helping you gain the best possible outcome. If you’re heading onto the roads today, keep alert and stay safe.

Aaron Turpen
An automotive enthusiast for most of his adult life, Aaron has worked in and around the industry in many ways. He is an accredited member of the Rocky Mountain Automotive Press (RMAP) and freelances as a writer and journalist around the Web and in print. You can find his portfolio at