We’ve noticed a few CODA drivers are in need of CODA expertise and engineering. Will any ex-CODA engineer step up to the plate and help out the defunct company’s electric car drivers?
The last couple of shows, we’ve noticed a few CODA owners seeking CODA engineer help. While there is nothing major happening with the cars, a few little glitches are surfacing, normal for a first series car. We saw a touching elder gentleman walking around the AltCar Expo in Santa Monica with a CODA bright sign hung hung around his neck.
Another fellow who drove his CODA to the Long Beach, California Plug In Day 2013 is also looking for CODA engineers.
So, are there any ex-CODA engineers ready to help fellow EV drivers with their CODAs? We are sure there are and hope this call out will rally enough CODA drivers to form a group and attract a few ex-employees to help out with the technical glitches that are bound to surface for its owners.